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:warning: external/flow.cpp


// A sample edge struct for maximum flow
// Flow of edge can be found with cap - resCap
// Template Arguments:
//   _FlowUnit: the type of the flow
// Constructor Arguments:
//   to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//   rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//   cap: the initial capacity of this edge
// Fields:
//   FlowUnit: the type of the flow
//   to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//   rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//   cap: the initial capacity of this edge
//   resCap: the residual capacity of this edge
// Tested:
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/maxflow
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/mincut
//   https://www.spoj.com/problems/FASTFLOW/
//   https://vn.spoj.com/problems/FFLOW/
//   https://loj.ac/p/127
template <class _FlowUnit> struct FlowEdge {
  using FlowUnit = _FlowUnit; int to, rev; FlowUnit cap, resCap;
  FlowEdge(int to, int rev, FlowUnit cap)
      : to(to), rev(rev), cap(cap), resCap(cap) {}

// Computes the maximum flow and minimum cut in a flow network using the
//   Push Relabel algorithm with the highest label selection rule and
//   gap relabelling heuristic
// Vertices are 0-indexed
// Template Arguments:
//   Edge: a generic edge class (such as FlowEdge)
//     Required Fields:
//       FlowUnit: the type of the flow
//       to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//       rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//       resCap: the residual capacity of this edge
//     Required Functions:
//       constructor(to, rev, cap): initializes the edge to vertex to with
//         the reverse index rev and capacity cap
// Constructor Arguments:
//   V: the number of vertices in the flow network
//   FLOW_EPS: a value for the flow epsilon
// Fields:
//   V: the number of vertices in the flow network
//   FLOW_EPS: a value for the flow epsilon
//   G: an adjacency list of all edges and reverse edges in the flow network
//   cut: a vector of booleans indicating which side of a minimum s-t cut it
//     is on
// Functions:
//   addEdge(v, w, vwCap, wvCap): adds an edge from v to w with capacity
//     vwCap and a reverse capacity of wvCap
//   getFlow(s, t): returns the maximum flow from s to t as well as the minimum
//     s-t cut
// In practice, has a very small constant
// Time Complexity:
//   constructor: O(V)
//   addEdge: O(1)
//   getFlow: O(V^2 sqrt E)
// Memory Complexity: O(V + E)
// Tested:
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/maxflow
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/mincut
//   https://www.spoj.com/problems/FASTFLOW/
//   https://vn.spoj.com/problems/FFLOW/
//   https://loj.ac/p/127
template <class Edge> struct PushRelabelMaxFlow {
  using FlowUnit = typename Edge::FlowUnit;
  int V; FlowUnit FLOW_EPS; vector<vector<Edge>> G; vector<bool> cut;
  PushRelabelMaxFlow(int V, FlowUnit FLOW_EPS = FlowUnit(1e-9))
      : V(V), FLOW_EPS(FLOW_EPS), G(V) {}
  void addEdge(int v, int w, FlowUnit vwCap, FlowUnit wvCap = FlowUnit()) {
    if (v == w) return;
    G[v].emplace_back(w, int(G[w].size()), vwCap);
    G[w].emplace_back(v, int(G[v].size()) - 1, wvCap);
  FlowUnit getFlow(int s, int t) {
    cut.assign(V, false); if (s == t) return FlowUnit();
    vector<FlowUnit> ex(V, FlowUnit()); vector<int> h(V, 0), cnt(V * 2, 0);
    vector<vector<int>> hs(V * 2);
    vector<typename vector<Edge>::iterator> cur(V);
    auto push = [&] (int v, Edge &e, FlowUnit df) {
      int w = e.to;
      if (abs(ex[w]) <= FLOW_EPS && df > FLOW_EPS) hs[h[w]].push_back(w);
      e.resCap -= df; G[w][e.rev].resCap += df; ex[v] -= df; ex[w] += df;
    h[s] = V; ex[t] = FlowUnit(1); cnt[0] = V - 1;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) cur[v] = G[v].begin();
    for (auto &&e : G[s]) push(s, e, e.resCap);
    if (!hs[0].empty()) for (int hi = 0; hi >= 0;) {
      int v = hs[hi].back(); hs[hi].pop_back(); while (ex[v] > FLOW_EPS) {
        if (cur[v] == G[v].end()) {
          h[v] = INT_MAX; for (auto e = G[v].begin(); e != G[v].end(); e++)
            if (e->resCap > FLOW_EPS && h[v] > h[e->to] + 1)
              h[v] = h[(cur[v] = e)->to] + 1;
          if (--cnt[hi] == 0 && hi < V) for (int w = 0; w < V; w++)
            if (hi < h[w] && h[w] < V) { cnt[h[w]]--; h[w] = V + 1; }
          hi = h[v];
        } else if (cur[v]->resCap > FLOW_EPS && h[v] == h[cur[v]->to] + 1) {
          push(v, *cur[v], min(ex[v], cur[v]->resCap));
        } else cur[v]++;
      while (hi >= 0 && hs[hi].empty()) hi--;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) cut[v] = h[v] >= V;
    return -ex[s];
#line 1 "external/flow.cpp"
// A sample edge struct for maximum flow
// Flow of edge can be found with cap - resCap
// Template Arguments:
//   _FlowUnit: the type of the flow
// Constructor Arguments:
//   to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//   rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//   cap: the initial capacity of this edge
// Fields:
//   FlowUnit: the type of the flow
//   to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//   rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//   cap: the initial capacity of this edge
//   resCap: the residual capacity of this edge
// Tested:
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/maxflow
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/mincut
//   https://www.spoj.com/problems/FASTFLOW/
//   https://vn.spoj.com/problems/FFLOW/
//   https://loj.ac/p/127
template <class _FlowUnit> struct FlowEdge {
  using FlowUnit = _FlowUnit; int to, rev; FlowUnit cap, resCap;
  FlowEdge(int to, int rev, FlowUnit cap)
      : to(to), rev(rev), cap(cap), resCap(cap) {}

// Computes the maximum flow and minimum cut in a flow network using the
//   Push Relabel algorithm with the highest label selection rule and
//   gap relabelling heuristic
// Vertices are 0-indexed
// Template Arguments:
//   Edge: a generic edge class (such as FlowEdge)
//     Required Fields:
//       FlowUnit: the type of the flow
//       to: the vertex that this directed edge ends at
//       rev: the index in the adjacency list of vertex to of the reverse edge
//       resCap: the residual capacity of this edge
//     Required Functions:
//       constructor(to, rev, cap): initializes the edge to vertex to with
//         the reverse index rev and capacity cap
// Constructor Arguments:
//   V: the number of vertices in the flow network
//   FLOW_EPS: a value for the flow epsilon
// Fields:
//   V: the number of vertices in the flow network
//   FLOW_EPS: a value for the flow epsilon
//   G: an adjacency list of all edges and reverse edges in the flow network
//   cut: a vector of booleans indicating which side of a minimum s-t cut it
//     is on
// Functions:
//   addEdge(v, w, vwCap, wvCap): adds an edge from v to w with capacity
//     vwCap and a reverse capacity of wvCap
//   getFlow(s, t): returns the maximum flow from s to t as well as the minimum
//     s-t cut
// In practice, has a very small constant
// Time Complexity:
//   constructor: O(V)
//   addEdge: O(1)
//   getFlow: O(V^2 sqrt E)
// Memory Complexity: O(V + E)
// Tested:
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/maxflow
//   https://open.kattis.com/problems/mincut
//   https://www.spoj.com/problems/FASTFLOW/
//   https://vn.spoj.com/problems/FFLOW/
//   https://loj.ac/p/127
template <class Edge> struct PushRelabelMaxFlow {
  using FlowUnit = typename Edge::FlowUnit;
  int V; FlowUnit FLOW_EPS; vector<vector<Edge>> G; vector<bool> cut;
  PushRelabelMaxFlow(int V, FlowUnit FLOW_EPS = FlowUnit(1e-9))
      : V(V), FLOW_EPS(FLOW_EPS), G(V) {}
  void addEdge(int v, int w, FlowUnit vwCap, FlowUnit wvCap = FlowUnit()) {
    if (v == w) return;
    G[v].emplace_back(w, int(G[w].size()), vwCap);
    G[w].emplace_back(v, int(G[v].size()) - 1, wvCap);
  FlowUnit getFlow(int s, int t) {
    cut.assign(V, false); if (s == t) return FlowUnit();
    vector<FlowUnit> ex(V, FlowUnit()); vector<int> h(V, 0), cnt(V * 2, 0);
    vector<vector<int>> hs(V * 2);
    vector<typename vector<Edge>::iterator> cur(V);
    auto push = [&] (int v, Edge &e, FlowUnit df) {
      int w = e.to;
      if (abs(ex[w]) <= FLOW_EPS && df > FLOW_EPS) hs[h[w]].push_back(w);
      e.resCap -= df; G[w][e.rev].resCap += df; ex[v] -= df; ex[w] += df;
    h[s] = V; ex[t] = FlowUnit(1); cnt[0] = V - 1;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) cur[v] = G[v].begin();
    for (auto &&e : G[s]) push(s, e, e.resCap);
    if (!hs[0].empty()) for (int hi = 0; hi >= 0;) {
      int v = hs[hi].back(); hs[hi].pop_back(); while (ex[v] > FLOW_EPS) {
        if (cur[v] == G[v].end()) {
          h[v] = INT_MAX; for (auto e = G[v].begin(); e != G[v].end(); e++)
            if (e->resCap > FLOW_EPS && h[v] > h[e->to] + 1)
              h[v] = h[(cur[v] = e)->to] + 1;
          if (--cnt[hi] == 0 && hi < V) for (int w = 0; w < V; w++)
            if (hi < h[w] && h[w] < V) { cnt[h[w]]--; h[w] = V + 1; }
          hi = h[v];
        } else if (cur[v]->resCap > FLOW_EPS && h[v] == h[cur[v]->to] + 1) {
          push(v, *cur[v], min(ex[v], cur[v]->resCap));
        } else cur[v]++;
      while (hi >= 0 && hs[hi].empty()) hi--;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) cut[v] = h[v] >= V;
    return -ex[s];
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